A bunch of cousins milling around at the singer family christmas brunch.
our time at home before going to nana and papas. The girls were sweet ,they gave Dan some presents they came up with on their own. A ten dollar bill in his stocking and a cool floating spinning photo holder for his desk.
I don't have the pics from our wonderful Schultz christmas eve time. Will post them soon.
yummy fritters. It was a great day, thanks for taking the boys over and letting them play. They had alot of fun. And thanks to Dan again for helping Derek shovel the driveway.
AAAAWWWWHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I wish we could have been there. I miss all you guys (and WA) so much!!! I've been pretty homesick lately, I guess 'cause of the holidays. I can't wait until June, when I get to come up and see you guys for a few weeks. Love you!!!
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